Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bedford Purlieus

White-Letter Hairstreak at Bedford Purlieus. A surprise find as it was on this oak and therefore expected it to be a "purple" then it was observed gathering nectar from brambles. Two more very worn specimens were also seen with no streak remaining and tail-less!

Red-Veined Darter at Maxey/Etton Pits

Another angle on the red-veined Darter

Sunday 30th July
Red-Veined Darter at Etton Pits, eventually showed itself when the day hotted up. Frequenting some recently landscaped shallow pools, preferring to perch on gravel/clay edges. Thanks to Kevin DuRose for locating this species.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Currently the star breeding bird on the washes and a real privelige to work with, this individual was colour ringed during an RSPB project to determine the birds productivity, site faithfulness and other management issues. Many reserves would like to have them, its just working out how to increase the numbers so they can re-colonise suitable habitats. They are very site faithful, returning to natal fields in their second year having wintered in West Africa. The project did however prove that some birds return in their first summer and have nested at this age. One of our birds colour ringed in 1997 was present on the reserve this year and could be seen on droveside gates scolding passers-by as it protected its young.