Group of 7 Roe deer, seemingly established on the Washes!
The number of wild swans has increased this week with around 260 Whoopers and 650 Bewick's. 2 of the bewicks had recently been fitted with yellow neck collars in Holland. One was on Texel until Jan 1st, it arrived in the UK on 2nd or 3rd, being seen at Catfield, Norfolk on 3rd and here at the Nene washes on 22nd. Many birds are now feeding on the washland grass particularly at Eldernell, others are feeding on waste potatoes, beet tops or winter wheat.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Water Fern azolla filliculoides. This invasive alien plant species usually sinks to the bottom of the water to over-winter or is killed off by hard frosts. This patch seemed very happy and going by how green it is - actively growing. I wonder if this patch managed to survive the freeze up in December or has it floated to the surface during the recent mild spell and already started reproducing.
Posted by
jonathan taylor
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
adult peregrine utilising an electricity pylon. If you want altitude in cambridgshire surely the top of a large electricity pylon is the place to be. On a clear day I can easily see 15 miles in the fens so I wonder how far a peregine can see, I guess the nearest meal is far enough!
fieldfare at Eldernel car park
Posted by
jonathan taylor
Sunday, January 14, 2007