Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wilsons phalarope, female on the Nene Washes, alongside a Dunlin first seen flying overhead at 15:00 then watched settle onto the pool opposite Holly tree farm. Surely the same bird that was present at Grafham Water until yesterday evening. Also present 1 Turnstone, 6 Dunlin and 1 greenshank.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

First mute swans hatch out, this pair has 2 polish (white morph) amongst 7 cygnets. The polish bird is the washed out one, as opposed to the normal grey colour of the bird on left.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

grey herons, feeding on trapped fish, thers no escaping these formidable predators
A record shot of a male Bar tailed godwit, one of 24 today.

This common crane arrived from the east. fed for 1/2hr on flooded pools and then I'm not sure where it went. my 3rd record in 11 years, always a special sight.

2 little egrets feeding on drying out pools

one of 3 black bellied plover - grey plover is the wrong name when in this amazing plumage